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Luminous Moon

Luminous Moon

In-streaming Cosmic light permeates
plants and humans

Cultivating lunar savvy
In an ever-changing, unpredictable and sometimes perilous world, the silvery orb of light in our sky has always offered us the solace of consistency, reliability and sense of place. The enigmatic presence of the luminous moon is a constant reminder of the infinitely cyclical and recurring rhythms that preside over Nature and all living things in a profoundly spiritual way. This omnipresent beacon of light has a deep connection to all of earth’s waters including the artesian waters of humans and plants. Mother moon illuminates our emotions and the shadowy depths of our subconscious, bringing them to the surface of our awareness. Following the lunar cycle as part of our spiritual practice can deepen our connection with Nature and plants as we meaningfully negotiate life in this embodiment. Each moon phase resonates with both physical and metaphysical significance to reveal different themes in our experience and offers a reliable guide to planning activities, projects and especially growing herbs and making herbal preparations.

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