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Essential oil: Sage | Sage and the meridians

Essential oil: Sage | Sage and the meridians

Essential Oil of the Month
Sage oil quickens the senses and memory
Ancestral herb accesses ancient wisdom
HISTORICALLY, sage was considered the “sacred herb” by the ancient Romans and used for many complaints including respiratory, digestive and menstrual problems.
The Chinese used sage for fertility, believing it cured sterility while the Romans used it as a cure-all, believing it to promote longevity and wisdom.
In the Middle Ages it served as a nerve tonic and was part of a simple regime for dental care, as the velvety leaves were believed to whiten teeth and clean the gums.
Sage imitates the female hormone oestrogen and consequently can help to regulate the menstrual cycle.
It acts as a tonic to the female reproductive system and is said to increase fertility and aid conception.
This astringent oil is useful to control hot flushes and excessive sweating in menopausal women. Oil of sage is suitable for treating vaginal thrush, using it well diluted in a wash. Sage’s ability to stultify perspiration means that a small amount can be added to deodorants to increase their efficacy.
Where there is loss of appetite, sage helps stimulate a healthy digestion and a healthy desire for food.
Sage oil helps digest fats and can be of use where excess meat is consumed and constipation is a common problem.
The oil and oleoresin are used commercially for flavouring with meat products and alcoholic beverages especially vermouth; where its digestive properties can be of use.
In cases of oedema and fluid retention, sage helps with the flow of urine and can be a tonic for the kidneys and the liver if used mindfully
Sage oil clears mucous from the membranes of the mouth, throat and stomach and consequently can be used as a mouthwash to treat gum diseases such as gingivitis and ulcers.
Stimulate sluggish circulation
Add sage oil to a massage blend with cypress and lemon oil to improve lymphatic flow and stimulate sluggish circulation. This is a very cleansing and detoxifying routine to employ, which will even raise a low blood pressure.
Add sage oil to a blend of niaouli, pine and rosemary to use in an aromatiser to clear congestion colds, catarrh and bronchial infections.
This same blend would be effective to massage into over-exercised or aching muscles and exert pain-relieving properties where it is needed. Stiff necks or cases of fibrositis or inflammation of muscle will also benefit from such a sage blend. It is said to ease trembling and palsy.
Sage oil assists in the formation of scar tissue, while also stopping bleeding in cuts and wounds.
Combine it with tea tree or manuka oil and dilute it well with water for an effective antiseptic wash. Add sage oil sparingly to lotions to ease dermatitis or psoriasis or to facial toners to counter large pores.
Its addition to shampoo or hair conditioning blends will bring lustre and shine to dull hair.
Sage energy accesses ancestral knowledge encoded in our DNA that activates and filters into the consciousness to manifest.
Its energy accelerates the process of turning inward to realise our inherent wisdom and recognise negative behavioural patterns.
Sage oil embodies wisdom, as the meaning of the name itself. Energetically, sage unlocks the deep wellspring of ancient knowledge.
Instil the harmony of Nature
Traditionally, Native Americans used sage in purification rituals to instil the harmony of Nature.
These peoples lived in a state of sacred reverence attuned with the land and sage strengthened communication with the unseen Realm.
They burned sage and blew the smoke around a person’s body to release negativity and purify the spirit.
We too can burn sage oil in an oil burner to achieve the same cleansing effect, to clear the environment of emotional burden.
Use sage oil in meditation, as its vibration encourages introspection and acts like a mirror to truthfully see ourselves for who we are.
It casts a clear light on our self-destructive characteristics that impede our spiritual progress. Using sage addresses the thought patterns that block the ability to receive and accept.
Sage gives us independence and resourcefulness, it connects us to the wisdom of the elders; bringing us confidence to face the fears of moving into new situations that lead to growth.
Sage energy comforts the digestive system; our resistance to new ideas or clinging to old worn-out beliefs often creates digestive illness. 

Name:  Sage
Latin name: Salvia officinalis
Family: Labiatae (mint family)
Scent:  Sage oil has a clear herbaceous smell with sharp, camphorous top notes and a warm-spicy undertone. This smell is best suited to masculine perfumes. The essential oil is distilled from the dried leaves. An oleoresin is also produced from the exhausted plant material.
Blends well with: Rosemary, ginger, geranium, bay, lavender, niaouli, orange, lemon and other citrus oils.
Oil properties: There are many varieties of sage; the oil is steam-distilled from the common one with purple–green leaves with blue flowers that grows to about half a metre high.
Origins: Sage is an evergreen perennial herb that is native to the Mediterranean region where it is cultivated for much of the oil today. This plant grows wild in Yugoslavia and Dalmatia and also grown commercially in France, China and USA.
Therapeutic properties: Anti-galactagogue, anti-rheumatic, anti-spasmodic, antiseptic, aperitif, astringent, depurative, diuretic, emmenagogic, hepatic, hypertensive (lowers blood pressure) tonic, febrifuge, insecticidal.
Sage and the mind: In very small doses has a calming effect on the parasympathetic nervous system, which can be useful for nervous exhaustion and where depression and grief has left one depleted. The scent of sage quickens the senses and aids the memory.
Precautions: Avoid use of this oil orally. Do not use during pregnancy, as it could also induce uterine spasms, nor during breast-feeding. Use sparingly and with great care because in extreme cases, sage oil could adversely affect the nervous system, causing convulsions, epileptic fits or paralysis. Clary sage is generally a safer alternative. Sage is best used in a blend for inhalation with an aromatiser to strengthen, cleanse and balance.

How to massage Sage oil using the meridians
Massage sage oil into the solar plexus meridian to facilitate the ability to easily and comfortably process change, in the physical body.
Massage sage oil also into the stomach and bladder meridian to rejuvenate tired legs and swollen feet. This will also alleviate back pain and promote feelings of support.
Sage oil also relieves sciatic pain; use it on the gallbladder meridian for this purpose.
Massage sage oil into the legs to shift a stagnant density in the legs that prohibits us from moving forward; aches, pains and cramps in the legs can be overcome along with a resistance to change.
Rubbing sage oil on the legs releases energy blocked by prolonged standing or poor circulation in the feet.


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